SAINER. KOL∞R The invitation to the project of arranging the exhibition „SAINER. KOL∞R” in the Abbots’ Palace appeared unexpectedly and at a time when there was a lot of work on other projects. However, you don’t say no to some artists, especially since the arrangement was to take place in an interior that, although difficult, […]

Fangor. Beyond the painting exhibition When we were invited to cooperate by the Museum’s management, we could not hide our excitement. The exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of Wojciech Fangor’s birth is a design dream, but it also turned out to be quite a challenge for us in many respects, including: a very large number […]

Dreamers of the Industrial Age On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the opening of the City Museum in Gdańsk, a new exhibition was presented in the Zielona Brama building. Referring to the 19th-century exhibitions that were often presented in this historic place, Dorota Terlecka and Natalia Fierka from Biuro Kreacja tried to recreate […]

„Charm and Fantasy”. Fashion and Advertising in the Polish People’s Republic in the Photography of Zbigniew K. Wołyński The history of advertising photography and fashion in the Polish People’s Republic is one of the least recognized episodes in the history of Polish photographic art. The specific economic and political situation of the country and the […]

Viennese Tenement House K 11 – common spacies Viennese Tenement House: A Fusion of Art Nouveau and Modernist Elegance The Viennese Tenement House seamlessly blends the charm of Art Nouveau interiors with a touch of modernist design, enriched by a hint of Gdynia modernism. Inspired by existing Art Nouveau tenement houses, this project maintains light, […]

The Norbertine Museum in Żukowo The Norbertine Museum was opened this year at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Żukowo, which used to function as a monastery church, surrounded by buildings where the nuns lived and worked. The history of the monastery dates back to the early 13th century and […]

The sea gate of the Republic of Poland The exhibition „Wisłoujście Fortress – the sea gate of the Republic of Poland” is the work of Biuro Kreacja, located in a hangar next to the historic fortress. The project is based on a circular plan, symbolizing both the architectural solution of the fortress and its chronology. […]

10 years of the Graphics Department of the Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition 10 years of the Faculty of Graphics (Zbrojownia Sztuki), which is to present the artistic and design work of the Faculty staff, as well as, and perhaps above all, the profiles of its most talented graduates, who are the best showcase of […]

Exhibition stand project A stand project presenting a new brand of youth furniture. The idea presents different applications of basic furniture shapes by young users design: Dorota Terlecka, Natalia Ringwelska BAZA furniture

„WAVES. The subjective history of Polish street art” The exhibition is of a documentary nature. „There are no works of art, there are no works that were created specifically for this exhibition,” said Marcin Gołębiewski, who, together with his wife Małgorzata, is responsible for the concept and coordination of the exhibition. As he explained, the […]